Etoile d'Argent & Etoile d'Or
Etoile de Bronze attained
After the Bronze Star, learning to master the slalom and your speed
Our instructors will teach your teen specific techniques and how to control their speed.
Our instructors will teach your teen specific techniques and how to control their speed.
- Au programme pour l'Etoile d'Argent : découverte du Slalom et des Sauts, passage du test Étoile d'argent en fin de séjour
- Pour l'Etoile d'Or : Perfectionnement des Sauts et du Slalom, Ski dans tout type de neige et passage de Étoile d'or en fin de séjour.
Etoile d'Argent et d'Or
This 3-hour group course for a maximum of 12 learners is available during school vacations.
Please note that this lesson is only available at Hohneck and during the French school holidays.

5 Etoile d'Argent lessons
morning 9:00 to 12:00
Having achieved Etoile de Bronze, come and discover slalom, jumps and take the test at the end of the week.
Monday to Friday | |
In front of the daycare ('garderie'), north car park | |
Etoile d'Argent test included |

5 Etoile d'Or lessons
morning 9:00 to 12:00
Having achieved Etoile d'argent, continue perfecting your skills in slalom, jumps and all terrain.
Monday to Friday | |
In front of the daycare ('garderie'), north car park | |
Etoile d'Or test included |
This is only offered during the French school holidays